Computing Resources

This page contains links to software installation guides and some resources for R (our main computing platform) and Python (the best alternative).

R Resources

We will be using R as the main platform to perform data analysis in the class, however, you are welcome to use any other tool/programming language you are familiar with.

We strongly encourage you to get familiar with the basics of R, so that you can focus on Machine Learning. We will go through examples in R in-class and we will provide some instructions. We do not expect you to have taken a class that uses R previously. That said, this class is not a class on R.

Python Resources

Comparison between R and Python

There is a great deal of parallelism between the R and Python ecosystems of Machine Learning / Data Science and related software. Here is a brief table of comparison between the two ecosystems, including the leading who's-whos and what's-whats in various aspects:

Linear Algebra (built-in) NumPy
Packages Respository Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) Python Package Index (PyPI)
Go-To Package for Popular ML Algos caret SciKit-Learn
Data Frame for Data Processing data.frame, data.table Pandas
Visualization ggplot2, ggvis, dygraphs MatPlotLib, GGPlot, Bokeh, Plotly, Pyxley
Large-Scale Parallel Computation parallel, doMC, doParallel, snow Apache Spark, Theano, Numba
Symbolic Math Ryacas, rSymPy SymPy
Dynamic Document Editors / Generators R Markdown, Slidify iPython Notebook
App Development Frameworks Shiny Django, Flask, Jinja2
Software Unit-Testing Frameworks testthat Nose, DocTest, Py.Test, PyUnit, Tox
Leading Developers RStudio, Revolution Analytics (Microsoft subsidiary) Continuum Analytics, Enthought
Popular Integrated Devt. Envirs. (IDEs) RStudio PyCharm, Spyder, Rodeo

Other Software Installation